
Animal Tracking

Animal Tracking on Google Maps:
Track Polar Bears, Elephants, Whales, Turtles and Penguins with this interesting and educational Google Maps tracker. LoveEarth.com have done a great job giving you the stories and the names of these animals, along with some stunning photography.
clipped from www.loveearth.com



Alboran the turtle was tagged after munching jellyfish off the coast of Spain. Keep up with her life on the ocean wave.

Track a turtle



What are Mma Khama and our other collared elephants up to in northern Botswana? Join the herd to find out.

Track elephants

Whale tail

Humpback whales

Six whales were tagged off Antarctica, but where did they go from there? Immerse yourself in their mysterious world.

Track humpback whales

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